Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Such Great Heights 00

Well, I suppose this is a good time as any to start documenting. I think this time, out of all the times, is a time of need. And so from this need, I must produce.

Yes, that was wonderfully enigmatic! In more concrete terms, I've moved to Cleveland! Last Friday, Eric and I drove down with a U-Haul full of my life, everything I've collected and toted around for the last 10 years. It was almost 10 pm by the time we arrived, due to construction on the highway along the way. Eric was a trooper and hauled in a ton of stuff that night, including my bed and tv. We set up the bed and watched the tv with it still only supported by the styrofoam padding blocks. And quickly proceeded to passed out!

Saturday was spent unpacking and eating magic brownies. Delicious. We met up with Jenny and Bill at a martini bar and had a delightful time. Eric's beer kept disappearing while I slowly sipped on a rummy herb drink. I was becoming terribly upset that Eric would be leaving in the morning, so we decided to postpone his departure for a day. We watched Rio, now that my tv was actually set up on its real stand, and I was amused to learn that there was a Rio edition of Angry Birds where the targets are monkeys.

Monday, which was yesterday, was wonderfully exciting. Eric managed to make it back to Detroit in one piece. I had meetings all day with everyone in the department. It was definitely intimidating to be the new member of the team. I am super excited that there will be lots of projects for me to get started with. There are about 3 different clinical projects that I'll hopefully be getting off the ground in the next month. Then there is also the basic science lab, which I must admit I have slightly less enthusiasm for. I'm not sure if I will be expected to pipette things; the chairman mentioned that I should go watch some tissue washing technique and I was a tad taken aback. The rat surgery project just seems so much more exciting! I was very pleasantly surprised with how well spoken, precise, and generous the chairman was. He took a moment to speak with me and introduce me to everyone in his lab, and gave me a brief explanation of expectations. I'm to meet with him and bossman to discuss overall goal points and projects. Hopefully things will be up and running soon!

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